Robot Pi Shop

Raspberry Pi T-Cobbler GPIO Breakout with Cable


This is the assembled version of the Pi T-Cobbler Plus.  It only works with the Raspberry Pi Model Zero, A+, B+, Pi 2,Pi 3! (Any Pi with 2x20 connector)
The Raspberry Pi has landed on the Maker World like a 40-GPIO pinned, quad-USB ported, credit card sized bomb of DIY joy. And while you can use most of our great Model B accessories by hooking up downgrade cable, it's probably a good time to upgrade your set up and accessorize using all of the 40 pins.

That's why we now carry the Assembled Pi T-Cobbler Plus - Breakout for Raspberry Pi. This Cobbler is in a fancy T-shape, which is not as compact, but is a little easier to read the labels. The T-Cobbler Plus is an add on prototyping board from SunRobotics specifically designed for the 2x20 connector-type Raspberry Pi, and can break out all those tasty power, GPIO, I2C and SPI pins from the 40-pin header onto a solderless breadboard. This set will make "cobbling together" prototypes with the Pi super easy.