Robot Pi Shop

ACEBOTT Bionic Biped Robot Kit


STEM robotics for beginner: ACEBOTT biped robot kit is a an aluminum alloy based on ESP32 platform, students could build and code the biped robot kit to start learning robotics and electronic engineering and get entry to programming.

Beginner friendly: With instruction guide to preset coding file, the tutorial will guides you step by step how to build and code the robot by ACEBOTT Scratch or Arduino IDE. ACEBOTT technical team is standing by to support when you need help.

Coding adventure: The ACEBOTT biped robot kit comes with 12 preset actions such as kick, tilt,follow and stamp,object avoidance and can move in 4 directions.Student can also design and customize actions after the study.

Cool custom masks: There are 6 different custom masks to turn the robot into different character such as Monkey king, turkey,Santa Claus. You can pick the customs for different occasions.