Robot Pi Shop

DS3231 RTC Module


RTC means Real Time Clock. RTC modules are simply TIME and DATE remembering systems which have battery setup which in the absence of external power keeps the module running. This keeps the TIME and DATE up to date. So we can have accurate TIME and DATE from RTC module whenever we want.

DS3231 RTC Pin Configuration

DS3231 is a six terminal device, out of them two pins are not compulsory to use. So we have mainly four pins. These four pins are given out on other side of module sharing the same name.

Pin Name



Connected to positive of power source.


Connected to ground.


Serial Data pin (I2C interface)


Serial Clock pin (I2C interface)


Square Wave output pin


32K oscillator output


DS3231 RTC MODULE Features

  • RTC counts seconds, minutes, hours and year
  • Accuracy: +2ppm to -2ppm for 0ºC to +40ºC , +3.5ppm to -3.5ppm for -40ºC to +85ºC
  • Digital temperature sensor with ±3ºC accuracy
  • Two Time-of-day alarms
  • Programmable square wave output
  • Register for Aging trim
  • 400Khz I2C interface
  • Low power consumption
  • Automatic power failure battery switch circuitry
  • CR2032 battery backup with two to three year life
  • Potable size