Robot Pi Shop

Arduino Multi-functional Expansion Development Board


This is an open-source code base and Simple io platform, and with the use of a similar java, C language development environment. So you can quickly use the language with Flash or Processing ... and other software to make interactive works . Can be used to complete the development of electronic components such as Switch or Sensors or other controllers , LED, stepper motor or other output device .

You can also operate independently as a software platform that can communicate with , for example , said : flash processing Max / MSP VVVV or other interactive software ... to develop an open-source IDE interface is based on the principle that allows you to download free of charge to develop more surprising interactive work .

Multi-function Shield has the following characteristics:

  • With the market , 2009 UNO LENARDO 2560 controller seamlessly mainstream 4-way LED indicator ( LED indicator to know the importance , in the actual doing projects , with this indicator can be used directly working status LED indicates the procedure to facilitate debugging.
  • DS18B20 temperature sensor interface that can be done to measure the temperature of the experiment , this price does not include the DS18B20 Oh, needed another shot .
  • LM35 temperature sensor interface that can be done to measure the temperature of the experiment , this price does not include LM35 Oh, needed another shot . 5,3296 precision adjustable potentiometer, analog input port ( can be used for controlling LED brightness, turn the steering angle , the digital voltage, etc. )

  • Integrated infrared receiver that can fit any infrared remote control experiments , the price also does not include the integrated receiver and needed another shot .
  • Four digital tube ( using 74HC595 driver provincial IO learning SPI), you can do digital display experiment ( can display temperature , voltage, counter value , etc. )
  • Three separate buttons, a reset button , the button can do experiments ( HMI ) .
  • The buzzer sound can be used for experiments . ( Can call the police , pronunciation , etc. )
  • Bluetooth, wireless interfaces, voice module , voice recognition module can be used for wireless communication experiment .
  • Servo interface, easy to drive servos
  • Infrared detection interface, easy and infrared docking realization of human traffic statistics , etc.