Robot Pi Shop

WeeeBot mini STEM Robot V2.0 - Education version


WeeeBot mini is an entry-level fun educational robot for young students to get hands-on experience of robot car, APP controlling, and simple programming about light, sound, buzzer, matrix display, motor control with simple logic and algorithm.

Open and Play
90% assembled, start to play immediately after unboxing. Get started quickly by play, code, and create.

Graphical Programming
To make programming is as simple as playing Lego blocks and learning programming with no threshold anymore.
WeeeCode (based on Scratch 3.0) programming software would lead you to master the language of communication with the robot.

Perfect Combination of Technology and Car Form
With CNC precision machining, anodized metal material, WeeeBot mini is simulating the appearance of the jeep and the effect of vehicle lighting. The flexible transformation between the three wheels and the five wheels is more suitable for different game scenes. The roof of WeeeBot mini is compatible with Lego mold, so you can imagine more models and build.

Rich Expand-Ability
Four RJ11 interfaces are reserved, which can be connected with over 100 + electronic modules in Weeemake parts platform to achieve more game play.

Education Version Available

No. Name Theme Learning Hour School Class
1 Learn about Open-Source Robot Concept of open-source robots
WeeeBot mini robot
Software introduction - WeeeCode
How to run programs
Default mode of WeeeBot mini robot
45 mins 1 lesson
2 LED car light Design principle of traffic lights
Blocks of the LED car light
Make cool LED car lights
45 mins 1 lesson
3 RGB Module Origin of the three-primary colors
Blocks of the RGB module
Color matching rules of RGB
Make a rainbow color light
45 mins 1 lesson
4 Buzzer Module How sound is produced
Blocks of buzzer module
How to control the buzzer module to play music
45 mins 1 lesson
5 DC motor Blocks of DC motor
Relationship between the robot movement direction
and the rotation direction of the DC motors
Control the robot to run in square route
45 mins 1 lesson
6 RGB Ultrasonic Sensor Detection principle of the RGB Ultrasonic Sensor
Blocks of the RGB Ultrasonic Sensor
Make an obstacle-avoiding robot
45 mins 1 lesson
7 Line-following Module Working principle of the line-following module
Blocks of the line-following module
Make a line-following robot
45 mins 1 lesson
8 IR remote control Principle of the IR remote control
Blocks of the IR remote control
Make a remote control robot
45 mins 1 lesson
9 Light Module and Sound Module Working principle of the light module
Working principle of the sound module
Blocks of the light module
Blocks of the sound module
Make a smart light
45 mins 1 lesson
10 LED Matrix Panel Module Working principle of the LED matrix panel module
Blocks of the LED matrix panel module
Make an LED rolling display
45 mins 1 lesson



Mainboard: ELF mini V2
4 x RJ11 (connect to RJ11 sensor and modules)
2 x DC motor port 
1 x Communication Port (Bluetooth)
1 x Sound Sensor
1 x Light Sensor
1 x Buzzer
1 x IR Receiver
2 x Yellow LED
2 x Red LED
Power Indicator: 4 x Blue LED
Power Switch:
1 x Touch Switch (turn on/off robot by touching when toggle switch is off)
1 x Toggle Switch (when toggle switch is on, cannot turn off by touch switch)
Sensor & Motor:
1 x RGB Ultrasonic Sensor (2 x RGB LED, 2 x Yellow LED, Ultrasonic Sensor)
1 x Double-way Line-following Sensor
2 x TT Motor
Power: Build-in 14500 lithium battery pack x1 (onboard charging)